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Seminars & Events | November 1, 2017 Loss Prevention: Starting Off on the Right Foot and Staying There

This program offers an overview of the law firm liability terrain based on a thirteen-year study of claims involving the approximately 275 law firms and 68,000 lawyers represented by Aon Risk Solutions. The speakers will focus on the primary causes of claims against law firms (i.e., dishonest clients, conflicts of interest, fraud and misrepresentation, and mistakes), utilizing several hypotheticals based on actual claims, court decisions, and ethics opinions. The program aims to (re)sensitize lawyers about the importance of risk management, including the use of engagement agreements, good client intake, collaboration, avoiding conflicts of interest, and documenting client communications.


  • Doug Richmond, Managing Director, Aon Professional Services
  • Matthew K. Corbin, Senior Vice President, Aon Professional Services

Event Information

January 30, 2018
9:00-10:00 AM

Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP

1550 17th Street, Suite 500
| Denver, CO 80202

Timed Agenda

I. The Aon Claims Experience (5 Minutes)

A. Claim Severity by Practice Area
B. Claim Severity by Cause of Loss

II. A Closer Look at Cause of Loss

A. Dishonest Clients (10 minutes)
1. Unworthy Client Pink Flags
2. Essential Elements of Client Intake

B. Conflicts of Interest (20 minutes)
1. Identifying Conflicts of Interest
2. Recurring Trouble Spots
3. Engagement Letters, Disengagement Letters, and Declination Letters

C. Fraud and Misrepresentation Claims against Lawyers (10 minutes)
1. Advice for Litigators
2. Advice for Transactional Lawyers

D. Mistakes (10 minutes)
1. Preventing and Mitigating Mistakes
2. The Duty to Inform Current and Former Clients of Mistakes

III. Concluding Remarks (5 minutes)

To RSVP, please contact Cortney Cuff at cortney.cuff@davisgraham.com.

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