Please join us as we discuss important air-quality permitting, compliance, and enforcement issues related to non-road and stationary engines. Operators in the oil and gas and other industrial sectors rely on these engines to power their operations. Yet, a complex patchwork of state and federal air quality rules and regulations often make compliance difficult, which can significantly impact day-to-day business operations. Attendees will get an in-depth look at a variety of issues that manufacturers, owners, and operators of these engines in Colorado, and elsewhere, need to be aware of to avoid compliance pitfalls and serious business interruptions, including:
- Changes to Colorado’s Regulation 3 governing Internal Combustion Engines
- Colorado Permit Process including Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN), Construction Permit, and Portable Permit
- Applicability of Quad Z requirements governing Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
- Applicability of Quad J requirements governing Stationary Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engines
- Applicability of Non-Road Large Spark Ignited (LSI) rules and regulations, and their overlap with stationary engine requirements
- A unique perspective from EPA Region 8 on compliance and enforcement considerations under EPA’s engine regulations
Our speakers are at the forefront of air quality issues related to both non-road and stationary engines throughout the Rocky Mountain West and across the country. This session will offer critical compliance and practical advice for any business facing engine-related air quality issues, including manufacturers, owners, and operators.
The Moderator for this program is:
- Randy Dann, Associate, Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP
Speakers for this program are:
- Alex North, Environmental Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Melissa Green, Project Manager, Weaver Boos Consultants
- Eric Waeckerlin, Associate, Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP
Event Details
Tuesday, August 6
Breakfast| 8-8:30 AM
Program | 8:30-10 AM
Wells Fargo Hershner Room
1700 Lincoln St.
Suite #5000
Denver, CO 80203
Event Materials
- Alexis North, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, RICE MACT Rules
- Melissa Green, Weaver Boos Consultants, Regulation 3 Changes, Air Permitting Process, and RICE NESHAP
- Eric Waeckerlin, Davis Graham & Stubbs, Air Quality Permitting, Compliance, and Enforcement for Stationary Engines