Home | News & Events | DGS Receives WILEF 2012 Gold Standard Certification

Press Releases | January 7, 2013 Davis Graham Receives WILEF 2012 Gold Standard Certification

DENVER – JANUARY 8, 2013 – Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP has received the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) 2012 Gold Standard Certification. In order to certify, firms must successfully demonstrate that women represent a meaningful percentage of equity partners, leadership positions, governance and compensation committees, and most highly compensated partners.

“Of the Davis Graham partnership, which is made up entirely of equity partners, 30.9 percent are women, well above the national average of 19 percent,” said Andrea Wang, partner and member of the Executive Committee. “Additionally, one-third of the firm’s department chairs and executive committee are women.”

WILEF, which was founded in 2007, provides a forum to educate and provide networking opportunities for women in law firms. The certification emphasizes the leadership roles achieved by equity women partners, rather than the policies or practices of the firm or the overall number or percentage of women in the partnership.

“Davis Graham has a deep commitment to gender diversity in the legal profession,” said Victoria Johnson, Davis Graham partner and co-chair of the Diversity & Inclusiveness Committee. “We know that to make a difference, we must lead by example. That’s why we’ve worked hard to recognize our highly talented women by ensuring they have meaningful leadership roles within our organization.”

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